Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Talk About Wasteful Energy !

Have you ever seen a person working and moving so fast that they seem to expend a LOT of energy and do not accomplish much in all that movement !!

Well, that is what I saw first hand in Washington, DC last week. I had the privilege of attending the Great Lakes Day in DC sponsored by Healing Our Waters. I was one of over 250 people in DC to talk to the Congress about funding Great Lakes programs. The people attending the Great Lakes Day ( http://greatlakesdayindc.blogspot.com/ ) were working hard to be well prepared for meeting with Congressional members of our wonderful USA.

HA.. you don't meet with the Congressman / woman or Senator. You meet with their staff.. and, boy, are there a lot of staff. BUT.. I did not elect the staff.. I elected the person with whom I wanted to have at least five minutes.. just five minutes !!!

In addition to staff, the US Reps offices - Rayburn, Cannon, Longworth - were all full of people .. DOING WHAT ??

Doing the same thing we were all trying to do. Get the people we ELECTED to do things that WE.. the people who elected them...want them to do. It is amazing that these elected officials are so wrapped up in "Hill activities".. that the best you can expect is a photo op. They elected ones will ALWAYS stop for a photo op. The elected people have got to learn to STOP.......

Stop long enough to listen to one of their constituents ?
Stop long enough to hear about important ideas from their home people ?
Stop long enough to .. breathe the fresh air and think about what Congress is doing ?

MY idea of separating the duties of the Congress...

SENATE - focus on ONLY International matters
HOUSE - focus ONLY on domestic matters

would definitely help these elected officials focus on a few things... WELL... and stop trying to address every issues confronting this country.

Enough.. the Great Lakes Day in DC was a success... we got to meet with the staff of several congressmen / women. They know how important the Great Lakes are to the US.. to the planet.
More on that topic coming up in a future blog !!!