Labor Day !
This coming weekend will be Labor Day weekend. OK, I understand back in the ol' days when people worked their "butts" off doing hard, physical labor, they needed a day off before jumping in to the Fall harvest.
BUT NOW ?? What do we need another day off for ? Some people earn 12 .. or 15 days.. or more days off as part of their fringe benefit package. but.. another day off ?? No wonder we (.. read the USA) are going down the tubes .. in this new competitive world.
HOWEVER.. I will take the long weekend and will enjoy the time with family and the wonderful Michigan weather we are supposed to have this coming weekend. Sunny in the mid 70's with low humidity due to a friendly Canadian HIGH. Here in Michigan we pay homage to the Canadian weather god and thank her for the wonderful HIGH's. If we don't thank her profusedly, then she will unleash a Canadian LOW on us.. and then we are digging out of 2 feet of snow.
I will try to get back on schedule with my Blogging.. even though NOBODY reads it. BUT.. it does make me feel good thinking the WHOLE INTERNET could read my rantings.. if they wanted to.
Have a great weekend...