Valentines Day
Guess what is just around the corner.. Valentine's Day !
A day created by Hallmark.. that we all tend to fall into and play the game. I did !!
I played the game.. but it was a game that I should play MORE often. That is telling my loved ones how I feel about them. If it takes a capitalistic, commercialized day of February to remind me, then so be it.
SO.. I told all my dearest loved ones how I felt about them, through the Internet, and the pleasure of shopping on line.
Now if I had to get up, go out, spend real cash (in lieu of credit cards), then... maybe.. my love for my special ones
MIGHT.. repeat.. MIGHT..not have been so demonstrative.
BUT I did it. For a white, middle age male in America, I can show my family I love them, even if it is was using the easy systems designed to get me to spend money !!
TO ALL.. I really do love all of you and I am so, so proud of every one of you. Believe it or not, you are all people that I would want to know, even if you were not my kids. You have all grown with seemingly cool and sensitive heads on your shoulders that I know will make the world a better place.. each in your own way !