Wednesday, April 13, 2005

It Starts With Education

It has been a long time since I "blogged", maybe because I did not have much to say.. HA !! People who know me find that funny.. me with nothing to say.

I want everyone (anyone ?) who reads this blog to understand that I have found the solution to all our problems - EDUCATION.

Yep, it all starts with education. We can solve poverty issues, environmental issues, war issues, WHATEVER issue... with education. Why can't the US government, business and people figure this out. The Chinese have the right idea. They are moving forward as a dominant economic power all the while pushing a strong education policy for their young people. Soon China will have well educated dominant economic work force that will take leaps and strides in technologies (fuel cells, environmental controls, alternate food sources, computers, etc.).

SO.. everyone who sends money to your local favorite charity.. STOP.. and send it to the nearest school system that you feel is working. We here in the US have got to make education (i.e. public school system) work again in the country. At one time, the US school system was the envy of the world. Now ...???

Educate everyone to the highest level possible and we will begin to solve all the problems that face the world today.