Religion vs Christ's Message
It is the time of the year, that the Christians begin to really, really annoy me. I profess that I was raised a Catholic and went to Catholic schools, BUT.. I dont believe in a lot of what the church teaches because it was created and marketed by man.. a long time ago.. but by MAN !!
I watch people smile.. say Merry Christmas".. (some even just say Happy Holidays !!) but do they really understand what the prophet Jesus of Nazareth was teaching ? Do they really love their neighbor.. help the down trodden.. feed the hungry ? NO.. they worry about finding the right present and where the money will come from to have a great Christmas !!
I am probably going to annoy my family ..AGAIN .. this year but I will be focusing on spending time with them.. telling them I love them.. checking to see if there is ANYTHING I can do to support them in their lives.. and, hopefully, make them smile !!!
SO to the two or three people who read this.. find the activity that you like to do that helps or supports people who need it. Not just at the volunteering at the local Soup Kitchen for a day.. but maybe being a tutor to a high school kid.. or a Big Brother ( hint .. hint ..)... or provide free legal help to old people....
FIND IT.. and revel in it .. and make your self a better person !!
Love to all and to all a GREAT night !!