Get that feeling ?
I was reading a related Blog the other day, and the writer was talking about having "that feeling". Do you ever wonder where that feeling comes from ? Why do you get that feeling? Are all the feelings the same when everyone gets "that feeling"? ............. hhhmmmm .....
That feeling for some is just plain "I'm tired of all this".
That feeling for some requires a shot of help.. booze, Prozac, Wellbutrin
That feeling for others escalates into very terrible things.. ask Dahlmer or Gacy.
To me, that feeling for most of us is just the mind looking for something new and stimulating. It happens when the current mental input stream (school, work, love, sunshine, etc.) has been fully conquered and absorbed and is under control, and the mind is asking "give me something more". And when something more is not immediately available, we get "that feeling".
The first person who says "Buck up Buckaroo!" will get a Blog up their ass ! You can't BUCK UP ! You have to find something.. food, sex, travel, books, movies, WHATEVER... to help feed "that feeling".
SO.. GO FO IT ! Try everything that comes along to see what helps with that feeling. It may be a new Steven King book.. or a new set of DVD's.. or a new resturant with a new person ... or a crazy wild abandoned ride along the coast in an open convertible with _____________ (fill in the blank).
Gotta go.. got that feeling !