What is the Point ?
Since my son remarked that I only blog once every four years .. like the Olympics.. I have decided that I will blog again. Sort of like the Pan American Games.. a warm up for the Olympics.
I had the opportunity today to tell someone of position in our state what is working and what is not working. Through a random phone call I was asked by one of the political parties, what I thought the most pressing issue of today. All I could think of was "What's the point". I have decided that most politicians at the state level on up to the federal level.. are too wrapped up in their OWN careers and opportunities to even really care about the true common man. I know we have to make choices in November, because if we do not, then we get people like Dubya, who has no qualifications for anything.
Therefore, in lieu of "What's the point".. I say "Everything is the point". Every time you get the chance, tell someone something that YOU think will make a difference. Even if the conversation is with one other person, tell them something that YOU think will make a difference. Then when you have the opportunity to speak up to some who CAN make a difference, you will have something to say.. and you wont think "What's the point".