The first long weekend of the summer season is about over.
People here in Michigan take this Memorial Weekend and use it as the FIRST OFFICIAL for everything. First official - trip up north; cookout; boat use; car wax; etc. They seem to store up all this expectation until the last weekend in MAY.. I assume they feel they can NOT do some of these things until then... HHMMM!! Is it one of the Emily Post Proper etiquette things ?
Well.. I have already been up north.. have already had several cookouts.. been on several bike rides.. so I did NOTHING this weekend... except plant my garden. I did get tomatoes (3 types); peppers (3 types); squash (2 types); onions; and some herbs (3 types) into the garden plot. It is so crowded that half of the plantings probably wont live.. BUT.. what the hay ! The strongest will survive.
Speaking of Memorial Day..have you remembered your long gone loved ones! Not just the war heroes.. but all the people who are spending Memorial Day in the alternative universe. Say hi to them.. because they are watching..
Have a good one.. and more wandering gibberish next week.. but I will be late! I don't get back from Minnesota until Tuesday.