Thursday, February 14, 2008

No Balls Congress !!!

No I know that the women elected to Congress have a really good excuse.. BUT.. what is the excuse of all the men in Congress.. for having NO BALLS !

Congress is ONE BIG JOKE.... they work things to death in committees, they don't bring things to the floor ".. because they don't have a chance to win !" SO WHAT !! Show the American people that your are working for US !! Not your lobbyists.. nor your reputations.. not for an easy win .. not for what is EASY !!!

We did not send you all to Congress to pussy foot around. Get things DONE !! Show the Administration that you have the cojones to stand up and fight.. AND.. GET US THE HELL OUT OF IRAQ !!

It is getting so bad, I am thinking that maybe I should run for Congress !! I can NOT do any worse than the people who are already there. I will be going to DC later this month, just like last year, to ask for support on issues affecting the Great Lakes. Do you think I will meet with my congress person .. or my senator !! HELL NO !!

They are too busy for lowly constiuent like me from back home. If I want face time (.. read: picture with the senator), then I have to make an appointment .. months in advance. I want some face time to discuss the issues that PISS ME OFF ! And not face time with a low paid staffer, who may be doing a GREAT JOB of filtering issues for the Congress person, BUT.. what satisfaction does that give me. .. NONE !!

Some of these people have been in CONGRESS too, too long. They take their positions for granted. We should replace them, BUT..... the entire system works on seniority. Without the seniority we would not have jack shit on any committees.

SOLUTION - Change Congress.

Force the HOUSE to focus on ONLY domestic matters.
Force the SENATE to focus ONLY on international matters.

Having a Senate version and a House version of each bill.. IS STOOPID !!!