Friday, January 20, 2006

AH ! A New Year to Destroy !

It has been a while since I posted, but most of you who will ever read this, did not even know I had not posted. Oh well. But, if my son is bloggin' and my daughter is bloggin', I need to keep up.

SO... an other year is here - 2006. This makes 55 of them for me and I hope (20 days into it) that I can make this year a little more productive than the last. I tried everything legal, BUT.. some things have not changed..
  • George Bush is still president
  • Big "bidness" is still setting policy here and abroad
  • Young americans are still dying in a unjust war
  • people in this country still go to bed hungry and homeless
  • and most americans still dont give a DAMN !
My New Year resolutoin will be to post often.. and say all those things I really want to say, and see if the GUV'MENT comes to my door. With all the warrantless spying and the lawasuit against Google, WHO KNOWS where it will go in 2006.

Big Broither IS watching !! MSN and Yahoo have already given over their records on Internet Porn surfers.. WHAT'S NEXT !! People who donate to Ralph Nader ??