Monday, August 09, 2004

Not Much to Say !

The weekend is over and the family units have all retreated back into their lives. The wife's family decided on the spur of the moment to drive 13+ hours to visit for a weekend. Crazy.. but nice to see them. In addition, my youngest progeny came to visit with her boyfriend. We had a good time.
It is so nice to see these young'uns growing up!

Now it is time to settle down and figure out what needs to get done this week. A short week since we will be flying to SD to visit the oldest born. He is working hard at school and needs a break - therefore, family comes and treats him to fun times, dinners out, and whatever else he can think up. It will be fun. By the time we get used to the 3-hour time differential, we will be returning home.

One thought.... gambling! Exactly what is this thrill.. this pulse raising activity. You give the casino some money, and just when you decide that this is a stupid process, they give you some money back ! Then your heart rate goes up, you get excited and.. GIVE THEM MORE MONEY!
Then as you get tired of giving them BACK their money that they gave you.. they give you a little more money. And so on.. and so on ... and so on !

It was fun.. starting out with a set amount that you can comfortably lose and then you realize that you have about spent it all, and then the casino gives you MORE ! I had fun, tho !

Later, dudes and dudettes !!