ALAS ! The World is NOT a Changin'
I promised more frequent posts.. BUT . I also told myself I would NOT rant on about Shrub.
I listened to this man and tried.. I REALLY TRIED.. to be a good "murcan and support my Commander in Chief, BUT.. I became ill.
The people in this country have got to stand up and say ENUF !
We dont want more billions sent for war. We need to rebuild our own country.
We dont want the largest Executive Branch budget in history
We dont want relaxed environmental laws
We dont want crashing businesses due to medical / health care burdens
We dont want retirement programs deciamted by wealthy no-talented CEO's
We dont want covert activities here and abroad with out judicial approval.
We dont want budget cuts in education. Medicare, and other programs that help people
we WANT taxes on the rich. I know my taxes will go up and that is OK. I will pay more taxes if it begins to remove the huge deficit that Shrub has built.
Oh and.. if you all could see the security here in Detroit for the Super Bowl, you would wonder WHY dont we have this level of security all over America. Why dont we spend those Iraq billions here in the US.. stimulate the economy.. protect Americans.. train our first repsonders.. protect our shorelines.. and make OUR country a better place. THEN.. we can begin to help (sic) the rest of the world.
One more thing..
When are you Christians out there going to stand up and remind all of these hard core conservative right wing kill em dead "Christians" that ... Christ taught love and forgiveness. That "eye for an eye" bullshit is not in the New Testament and if Christ was here he would .....
Later.. got to calm down. See what this Bloggin' does to my blood pressure !!! HA !
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