Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Join the Rat Race

Another adult has joined the ranks of the "rat race". My son has graduated law school and once he passes the CA Bar Exam, he will be in the "race" like the rest of us. Hopefully, he will join a slower, more relaxed "race".

We all control the "race" we join. Some people love to run a fast "race" and expend copius amounts of energy , maybe make lots of money, and have a lot of material items to show for running the "race". The winning of the "race" usually comes early and with many regrets.

Others join a slower "race" that has a few side stops, maybe with a few coffee houses or restuarants along the way. These runners can win the "race" at any time and may end one "race" and start another "race". They still have to "race" because you can not survive without at least participating in a simple "race", even if it is walking.

SO.. good luck to my son, the new adult and welcome to the "rat race". I hope you try to join the "race" that you want and don't get pushed in to a "race" that does not feel right.


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