Just a note.. to brag about the "little baby's" in my life. You create these creatures, back when you have no experience and the book "Parenting for Dummies" was not published yet, and you wonder "What have I unleashed upon the world !". Years.. many years later.. you see that they have done all right, despite the efforts of the parental units.
One little creature is finishing up his first year of law school.. AND he seems to be pretty good at it. Look out world !
The second little creature has found employment (finally) in her area of interest.. which is the first criteria of any job. .be interested in the work.
And, last but defintiely NOT least, the baby creature has finished her first year of college.. AND.. she did OK !! Really ok !
AH ! Now I know what a peacock feels like.. strutting around so proud. The best part is.. they did it all..
BUT.. I GET TO TAKE SOME CREDIT !! Along with their mother of course, the real brains behind the entire process !!
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